Studio Update


Just a quick update on when I will possibly reopen and what sessions I may run. This all depends on government rules and what I think appropriate at that time.

As we are all aware most businesses can reopen (including Photography Studios) from June 15th as long as social distancing rules are in place and certain guidelines followed. Personally this is far to early for me to be thinking of reopening. The very earliest I may open will be when hair and beauty industries get the go ahead, and then I will probably wait just a bit longer. 

My initial steps will be to only have one session a week, this will be a Saturday. This will give me time to disinfect the studio, wash and dry props and allow appropriate time between each client. Hygiene rules will be in place for both myself and clients, I will put this in a ‘what to expect’ guide which you will receive before booking or on request. Going back to studio sessions will be different for a period of time but we all know in our hearts that it’s not going to be quite the same, for quite some time.

I will be taking baby steps when it comes to reopening and here is a guide of how it may happen (this is not set in stone).

  1. After hair/beauty have returned I may offer shortened newborn sessions. I will only be doing wrapped sessions with no posing, baby will be photographed on their back only using a few set props, this will be to minimise contact with baby. Masks are to be worn by myself and parents throughout (Parents can bring their own masks or I can supply them). Full hygiene rules and procedures will take place. 

  2. Maternity sessions will follow on from newborn, 2 meter distancing to take place where possible, masks worn by myself and partner accompanying the mum to be. Outfits and colour choice to be decided in advance.

  3. Sitter sessions, to follow on a bit later.

  4. Toddlers/ children who are active will be the last to return. We all know toddlers love running about, exploring things and a 2 meter distance is impossible. This is a lovely age and I’m missing them dearly but it will be a bit longer again before we can have fun and giggles in the studio ☹️. Also I personally feel that a mask may frighten a toddler and that is the last thing I want to do.

I hope that these guidelines are reassuring and please note they may change as things are still uncertain.....but we are heading in the right direction so fingers crossed it stays that way and we can get back to a bit of normality once again. I will keep you all updated.

Thank you & Take care

Sarah Stevens